Friday, June 10, 2016

Day 4 - Dreaming of ringing the bell

Today I received a personal escort from the Cancer Center to Radiation Oncology.  She took me down the back hallways of the hospital and before I knew it we came in the back way to the secret lair.  I really feel like an insider now!  Although, maybe not, because I'm not sure I could reenact the route.  

After changing into my gown for the day, I left the locker room and stopped to admire the Victors Bell.  (At the end of treatment there is a bell patients ring)  So, there I was dreaming about my time to ring the bell when a nurse walked by, "Do you get to ring that bell today?"  "HA!  I wish! I am just getting started!  I am on day four.  Five more weeks to go!"  I looked up and there were my Radiation Therapists in the hall waiting for me.  "And it looks like I am getting started with day four right now!  See ya!"

Thursdays are check-in with my oncologist(s) days.  Today I met with 3 doctors - my oncologist, my second oncologist (a resident doctor), and a student doctor.  When asked if it was okay for the student to be there I said, "Sure, why not, everyone wants to get a sneak peek at my boobs!"  Sometimes I'm not sure the doctors know what to do with my sarcasm and jokes.  I do enjoy watching their reactions though.  I like to think I add a little humor and young life to their day.

Since it was my first time in a couple of weeks seeing my oncologists I took the opportunity to express how unimpressed I am with my permanent radiation sticker being off center.  The sticker is just to the right of center.  Now, I realize it aligns perfectly with the tattoo between my boobs, but still!  Neither of them are in the middle of my body!  When I mentioned this was not ideal for patients with OCD tendencies, my oncologist apologized.  To which I responded, "Thanks, but somehow I don't believe you really are sorry..."  She laughed and agreed.  The marks are off center for a purpose - they align my body on the table and treat the area of my body to the left of the marks (I of course already knew this, but still!).

I think I'm slowly learning the ins and outs of the secret lair.
Plus!  Today the bus delivered a special guest. (4/30)

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